
Quodd Heroes

Created by Ryan Iler - Wonderment Games

Quodd Heroes is a unique scenario-based action adventure game with completely original mechanics and miniatures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Post-Kickstarter Week 4
about 7 years ago – Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 01:09:45 AM

Hi Heroes!

Lots happening as usual behind the magic curtain.  This week I will have the quote from Panda so things will solidify in terms of cost and I'll be able to announce the final stretch goal that we unlocked at last!  

There has also been some progress on other fronts including with art, models and graphic design so I'll be showing off some of that during this week's livestream on Friday.  Please tune in for that if you can.

I'll likely be posting another update tomorrow so look for that.

Thanks all for now!



French Language Add-On Now Available in BackerKit
about 7 years ago – Thu, Apr 06, 2017 at 12:33:13 AM

Bonjour héros!

Well, I've finally gotten pricing for the language pack add-on from Panda.  Sadly, it was more expensive than I had hoped it would be so the cost came out at the top-end of my estimate ($20 rather than $15).  However, if you're keen to play Quodd Heroes in french this will be the way to go!

This addon will include all of the cards in the game plus the printed rules all in French.

To add it to your pledge simply log back into BackerKit and edit your order adding the French language add-on pack.  As usual if you have any difficulty let me know!

Looking forward to the Live Stream tomorrow!



Progress Update: Post Kickstarter Week 3
about 7 years ago – Tue, Apr 04, 2017 at 12:20:15 AM

Hi Heroes!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and got both sunshine and some game time in with family and friends!  

Things continue to move along here behind the magic curtain.  Kamila is working away on character artwork.  Here is Aard:

Aard 6-sides
Aard 6-sides

Anton, the 3D sculptor is working on the models.  Some of you may have seen these on Facebook but for those of you who haven't here are drafts of Mayor and Zozo.  These aren't finished models but show progress.  All of the characters should be done by the end of the week!

Captain ZoZo - Draft sculpt
Captain ZoZo - Draft sculpt


Mayor Trixie - Draft Sculpt
Mayor Trixie - Draft Sculpt

 Other Developments

I'm still waiting on the team at Panda to get me the promised quote.  As soon as I have this information several things will move forward.  These include:

  • French Language Add-on pack (need to know the manufacturing cost)
  • Spieleschmiede - I can hammer out details regarding the German campaign. 
  • $400K Stretch Goal - I will reveal the $400K stretch goal once I have a more accurate sense of the overall cost for producing the game based on the Kickstarter specs.

I'm also continuing to work on a number of other things including scenarios, text iconization, rules, graphic design, and lots more...

As usual I will keep you guys in the loop with any developments.  If you want to see new artwork / models as I have them please keep an eye on the Quodd Heroes facebook page here:


As of this writing 247 of you have still not completed the BackerKit survey.  If you don't fill out your survey there is no way for me to get your game to you.  The survey is how I collect your address information and how I know what add-ons (if any) you were directing any over-pledged funds toward.  Please try to complete your survey ASAP!  If you have lost your link or never got it please check your junk / spam folder.  If you still can't find it please send me a direct message on Kickstarter and I'll send you the link to your survey directly.

Live Stream

I will be doing another Live Stream this week on Thursday at noon EST (-5 GMT).  As usual I will be updating you guys on everything happening behind the scenes and will answer any questions you have.




Backerkit Stats, Language Add-ons, Livestream and more
about 7 years ago – Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 08:00:56 PM

Hi Heroes!

Welcome to another week!  Lots has been happening as the many processes leading up to manufacturing start rolling.  

First of we are about $800 away from reaching $400K and a stretch goal.  I have a few ideas what this will be but I'm going to leave you guys in suspense for now for a very practical reason.  I'm waiting on the final manufacturing quote from Panda for the post-kickstarter specs so what we do as a stretch goal at $400K will depend in large part on where my costs are at.

Language Add-ons

So far about 550 of you still haven't filled out the survey on BackerKit, but it appears that so far the largest demand for a language add-on pack with printed cards and rules is French.  This wasn't a surprise to me.  Once I get a quote back on cost for this I will likely decide to do a french print for add-ons.  Since the minimum print run is 500 its unlikely that there is enough demand at this point for other languages.  If we can convince the rest of the backers to complete their surveys as quickly as possible that could change.


I will be doing a live stream this week on Thursday around noon EST (-5 GMT).  I will schedule it on Kickstarter Live today so you can submit any questions you may have between now and then.  I'm very much looking forward to interacting with everyone again and sharing some of the artwork that Kamila has been working on!

3D Sculpting

The folks at Panda have informed me that in order to meet the November delivery deadline I need to get my 3D sculpt files for the minis and other plastic bits off to them before mid April.  This caught me a bit off guard but I'm working on getting my sculpting team in order, so that I can meet that deadline.  I will keep you posted and share images of the character models as tthey come in!

That's all for now!


Surveys, Language Packs, Stretch Goals and more...
about 7 years ago – Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 09:33:26 PM

Hi Heroes!

All of the survey's have gone out and about half of you have already completed them!  Great job!  

A number of questions have come up regarding the surveys and BackerKit and I'll try to answer some of them here.

Language Packs:

On the survey there are two questions about a language pack add-on.  The reason for these questions is to discover if there is enough demand in some languages (French, Spanish, a few others) to warrant the printing of add-on cards and rules in those languages and to gauge willingness to pay for it (because it will definitely cost money).

If there is enough interest and there is willingness to pay to cover the costs then I will add the add-on(s) for the languages where there is demand.  The minimum order from the factory for such a language pack is 500 per-language so there has to be significant demand and people must be willing to pay or else you'll have to be satisfied with downloading and printing the rules and cards yourself.

Local Pickup in Ottawa Canada

You may have noticed that there is an add-on for local pickup in Ottawa.  If you are local and wish to pick up your game instead of having it shipped choose this option.  You will save the $15 shipping and you'll have a chance to meet the design! :P For a number of reasons I have chosen to refund the money on pickup rather than through BackertKit.  I have been advised that many people who SAY that they will pick up under these circumstances find themselves unable to and then suddenly I'm forced to ship and cover the cost myself.  So When you arrive to pick up your game I'll hand you $15 in cold hard cash along with your game.  I do realize that some of you had planned to use that additional money to add add-ons but you can still do that and recoup the costs when you pick up your game.

Group Pledges

If you pledged at the Heroes Unite pledge level and chose less than 12 games on Kickstarter but now wish to go above 12 games (and thereby reduce the cost to $68 CAD per game please send me a message and I'll make the change to your pledge level so that the correct price is reflected on BackerKit for all copies of the game.

BackerKit Stretch Goals

As mentioned during the campaign I do plan to have stretch goals during the post-campaign period.  Any additional funds raised through BackerKit will count toward unlocking these goals.  The first one will unlock at $400K  Below is a graphic showing where we stand on BackerKit now (roughly $385K total with Kickstarter and Backerkit).
Please share on social media and in your gaming groups so people know they can still get this amazing game and all of the fantastic content we unlocked during the campaign!
Funds raised in BackerKit
Funds raised in BackerKit

I will announce the stretch goal later today.

If you have any other questions or concerns at all including a missing survey email / link please don't hesitate to contact me or BackerKit support and we'll get it taken care of ASAP. 

Until next time, 
