
Quodd Heroes

Created by Ryan Iler - Wonderment Games

Quodd Heroes is a unique scenario-based action adventure game with completely original mechanics and miniatures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys and Late Pledges - IMPORTANT!
about 7 years ago – Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 10:29:48 PM

Hi Heroes!

There has been some confusion regarding late pledges / pre-orders.  If you backed the Kickstarter campaign please do NOT late pledge!  You must wait for the survey or else you will be charged twice.  When the surveys go out you will be linked to the pledge you have already paid for and can select any add-ons you like.  

If you have any questions at all don't hesitate to ask me directly or post in the comments.

I'm going to try to get the surveys out today!



Late Pledges / Pre-Orders are now open!
about 7 years ago – Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 11:29:26 PM

Hello Heroes (and soon to be heroes),

I've got BacketKit all ready and set up for late pledges now.  Here is the link:

If you know someone who missed the Kickstarter and wants to back please pass them the link.  I will have the survey ready very soon (possibly even tomorrow).  So look for another email announcing that soon!



Post Kickstarter - Surveys, Pre-Orders and BackerKit, oh my!
about 7 years ago – Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 12:57:20 AM

Greetings Heroes!

Thank you for help to make Quodd Heroes a reality! A few things need to happen before we can kick off production and fulfillment.  

Here's a quick rundown:  

First, Kickstarter needs to transfer over the funds so we have the money to make the rewards (this can take up to two weeks and still hasn't happened).  

Second, we have to find out what options and add-ons everyone has chosen (or wishes to add) and where we need to ship the games once they are made.  We will send out a BackerKit survey to collect this information.  

We will give you a heads-up before we send the survey so that you can watch for it. You will not need to create a BackerKit account to answer your survey. The invitation email will contain a link to your personal survey. It is important to submit your responses as quickly as you can since we need this information to process your rewards. 

If you need to change your survey responses, add or remove add-ons, or update your shipping information, you can click on the link in your survey email again or request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page. (This page will only start working after we send the surveys out.) 

If you prefer, you can just message me and give me your information, but answering your survey will help us get your rewards out to you quicker. BackerKit helps us save lots of time by streamlining the survey process, automating data organization, and providing us with pledge management software to make it easy to process your pledge reward shipments. 

If you used Facebook to log into your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey link will be sent to the email you used for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you'd prefer to use, please message me. Again, thanks for all your support. We can’t wait to send you Quodd Heroes!


The pre-order system will go live in the next few days (likely before the surveys go out).  I will post an update when that happens.  Feel free to share the link to the pre-order page with anyone you know who missed out on the Kickstarter but wants to get in on Quodd Heroes!  We will be unlocking stretch goals during the pre-order phase so there will definitely be incentives to keep the buzz alive!

Live Stream Next Week!

I will be hosting another Live-Stream next week (details of when will follow soon).  I will be updating you guys on all of the many things that have been happening behind the scenes since the end of the campaign.  I'll will be sharing some of the artwork in-progress, development work on the Heroes we unlocked during the campaign, pre-order info and more.  I hope to connect with as many of you as possible!



Back-Created cards - and the winners are....
about 7 years ago – Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 12:10:34 AM

Greetings Heroes!

After much anticipation and great deliberation the winning cards have been chosen!

First of all I want to say there there were many great ideas and the ones Mike and I chose were based on a number of factors not the least of which included:

  • Does it add something new?
  • Does it break the game?
  • Is this an effect that already exists in the game?
  • Is it too conditional? (does it depend on some other things to exist on the board (ie. sheep / cannons)

Here are the cards we've chosen (by category).  You'll also note that 2 items instead of 1 were chosen because I liked both so much I couldn't not add them.  You may also note that we may have tweaked the text a bit (and may tweak a little more before they are finalized).  The winners will be acknowledged specifically in the rule book and will receive a high resolution digital image of the artwork created for their card.  If your card was chosen please contact me (through facebook or directly on Kickstarter) with the name you want used in the credits for your card.

Just because your card wasn't chosen for this contest doesn't meant it won't inspire some future card or pop up in some other form.  If it does we'll let you know and credit you accordingly!



Freeze Ray: Lets you slide over any number of water spaces in the direction of movement.  Credit: Cory Lane (this was inspired by but slightly changed from Cory's idea)

Soul Lens: When the holder respawns, they may respawn at any checkpoint within a range (Deciding on 5 or 7, this can change) instead of the last one they passed. Credit: Carly Othling


Quppy: Can retrieve collectibles from the board in a range of 2 spaces. Roll:: 1-3 nothing and discard this pet, 4-6 success Credit: Igor Sumara


Quake: Seperate each board by one row, creating an empty space between each board that counts as a pit.  Credit: Mike Baird

Eclipse: Players can only Explore from the top of the deck this round Credit: Tolis Koutsikos

Karma: Each player may give the player to their left a card from their hand, if they do roll a d6; 6; draw 3 cards. 3-5; draw 2 cards. 1-2; you get nothing Credit: Giles Bloxham

Post Campaign Update Week 1: Card art and backer created cards
about 7 years ago – Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 11:41:30 PM

Greetings Heroes!

Card Artwork from Kamila Szutenberg

It has been one week since the campaign ended in glorious success!  During the time since the end of the campaign lots of stuff has been happening.  I compiled a list of the unfinished artwork (mostly for Item and Pet cards) and she has begun sending me sketches for approval before doing final color renditions.  I've attached a few of them below.  I will post art work and concepts as I get them so you can follow along with the progress of finishing up the game.





Backer-Created Cards

As many of you know the last thing that we unlocked during the campaign were 5 backer-created cards to be added to the game.  I created a post on here:

And many of you have posted your imaginative card ideas for Item, Pet and World Event cards there.  My intention was to announce the cards that would be developed for the game today but I've decided to give everyone a chance to submit any new ideas over the weekend.  I'll announce the "Winners" on Monday.  So if you haven't had a chance yet go check out the thread and see if it inspires some ideas and post your own concepts, you have 2 more days!

German "Kickstarter"

During the Kickstarter campaign I was approached by the folks from Spiel Offensive in Germany about running a campaign to produce a German version of Quodd Heroes after the end of the Kickstarter, as part of this arrangment they will be providing professional translationfor Quodd Heroes into German, so if you backed the game and wish to receive your copy in German instead of english that will be an option during the pledge manager.

Here is the link to the site will be running the german campaign in April:

This is another way for us to generate more fans and help us unlock another stretch goal or two perhaps.

Pledge Manager:

I've decided to use Backerkit for the pledge manager for Quodd Heroes and thiscoming week I'll be working hard to get that all setup for late pledge first then will have it ready for everyone else shortly after.  This can't happen for the broader campaign until Kickstarter releases the funds to me and we sort out any bounced payments, etc.  I'll keep you guys posted as to what is happening with this.

That's it for now.  I'm attending a wedding out of town this weekend and am writing this from a hotel room so I won't be super active until I return home early in the week.  I wish you all a great weekend and I hope you find time to play your favourite tabletop games with your favourite people!

