
Quodd Heroes

Created by Ryan Iler - Wonderment Games

Quodd Heroes is a unique scenario-based action adventure game with completely original mechanics and miniatures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Finally rolling!
almost 6 years ago – Sat, Jun 30, 2018 at 01:53:31 AM

Happy Friday Heroes!

First I want to say thanks again to all of you for your patience and support. This has It is very important for me to share how grateful I am for all Quodd Heroes backers and future Quodd Heroes players. Today I share some VERY exciting news: the final contract with Panda has been signed after quite a bit of tweaking of details and quantities so now the REAL work can begin! The end is in sight for getting your games delivered and I couldn't be happier!

So what does the timeline look like?  This graphic will give you a sense of how long things will take. Based on these numbers (which come from Panda) we're looking at wrapping up production around the start of Oct. There could be things with change the timeline such as approvals of samples, etc. I have confidence in Panda's quality (which is why I chose them) so I suspect those kinds of delays will be minimal.

Introducing the production status graphic:

I will commit to doing updates every Friday going forward, even if there isn't much to report, so that you are always in the know. At the very least, you will see this graphic updated with progress on a weekly basis :)

Gen Con

Gen Con is approaching and I'm preparing for the insanity that it represents. I posted on Facebook a few weeks ago that I'm looking for volunteers to help out in the booth. If you are attending Gen Con and feel like helping, or live Indianapolis and would like to come (with an Exhibitor pass) drop me a line and let me know your availability. I'd like up to 5 people who can dedicate a half-day or so at a time to help answer questions and such about the game. I'll have some swag for you and perhaps some other bonuses for you.
If you're interested in volunteering, email: [email protected] with "GENCON" in the title.  

At Gen Con you will also have a chance to see the Pre-production version of Quodd Heroes which I am very excited to see and share with backers! I'll be running demos of the game as well so please stop by and play the game!

Gen Con Backer meetup: I am planning an event for backers this year, just as we did last year. Stay tuned for details. 

Gen Con Proto Night(s): On at least one evening during Gen Con I will be hosting prototype play-testing at my hotel (which is very close to the convention center) if you'd like a chance to try out, offer feedback on some upcoming games I'm working on. Space will be pretty limited for this, so once I post the specifics I'll ask for sign-ups. 

Also, if you're a game designer and would like some feedback on your own prototypes I'd be happy to offer feedback during these events. 

Live Streams:

I plan to start doing regular live streams again (likely on YouTube or Twitch this time around) where I play through some of the scenarios in the rule book (and likely take a stab at the solo campaign!!). Let me know what you'd like to see. 

I will schedule a Live Stream on the KS page for early next week (Monday afternoon most likely). We can chat about all things QH and figure out what gameplay stuff people would like to see streamed the most. 

French language pack add-on: Unfortunately the buy-in on the French language pack (cards and rules) was not nearly what the survey suggested it would be. To produce the minimum 500 copies required I would have to spend a lot more money than the total payments received from the buy-in. Just over 150 backers chose this option. I still have every intention of making the French language rules and scenarios available as PDF downloads but the cost of printing and shipping the language pack only worked if the order was nearly sold out. I will be refunding the $20 CAD cost of the language pack to those who ordered it. If this effects you and you have concerns please reach out to me. I want to make sure your experience with Quodd Heroes is amazing as it possible can be!

Essen Spiel:

Once again I will have a small booth at Essen for everyone to see and play Quodd Heroes.  It unlikely that games will be available for sale at Essen but there will likely be some production copies of the game on hand for people to see. I will be looking for volunteers to help out in the booth again this year so if you're interested in helping out drop me a line!  I will have a limited number of exhibitor passes for volunteers.

The updates over the coming weeks will start to contain images of production samples so I'm very excited to share those with you. Also keep an eye on the KS page for the first stream next week.

Have a great weekend!


Quodd Heroes Wallpapers
almost 6 years ago – Fri, May 25, 2018 at 01:22:33 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Pre-Press + Underground rulebook
almost 6 years ago – Mon, May 21, 2018 at 11:03:23 PM

Hi Heroes,

Things continue to progress here. After the first submission of files to Panda I had some changes to make to meet Panda's specs. All of the files have been re-submitted to them except the box which is in the process of editing. The die-lines were incorrect so some of the dimensions/ graphics need to be adjusted.

Here is the rule / scenario booklet for Fringe Underground mini-expansion.  Take a look: Fringe Underground Rule Booklet

A few other things:

The crystal model originally created won't mold properly as one-piece so we reworked it.  Here is what the new model looks like:

Also, a few weeks back Panda made some Wax samples of the character minis to make sure all is well with them.  As you can tell the adjustments to a fwe (mainly Techsie) set her off balance.  This will be fixed.  Exciting to see these though!

QH Wax Models
QH Wax Models

 Please take a look at the Underground Booklet and let me know if you see any issues.

We are very close to the point where Pre-production copy casn be produced and translation starts!

Talk soon!


about 6 years ago – Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 12:11:11 AM

Greetings Heroes!

This is a pretty big update as today I am sending off the English files to panda for the pre-production copy. At this point there will still be time for edits and tweaks so don't panic if you find some errors in the Scenario and Rulebooks that I've linked. In Fact, as usual please comment on the PDF and submit anything you find. These should both be very close to final at this point so I don't expect you to find very many errors (although I have been surprised before!).

Rulebook v1.9

Scenario Book v1.4 

I shared the final box art over the weekend on Facebook but wanted you all to see them here, as I know that not everyone follows the Quodd Heroe's Facebook page. They are basically final minus some improvement to the text on the back of the box. If you have a better idea for the text on the back of the box please share it with me. I find it difficult to summarize my own game in a short and exciting way...

Box: Top
Box: Top
Box: Bottom
Box: Bottom

 There is still going to be a lot happening over the coming weeks of course so I will be keeping you updated. The translation process will begin in earnest this week so I will be reaching out to those of you who contact me before about this as well as getting the files off for official German translation to the Spieleschmiede. I'm very excited and I hope you guys are as well. Its been a VERY long time getting to this point! 

Also I want to mention some amazing backers who have visit conventions in Europe over the past month and have generously help promote Quodd Heroes all on their own while they were there. 

Here is a photo Kerstin and Jan sent from Germany, they made their own Quodd Heroes t-shirt! I met both of them at Speil in 2017, they're both amazing people and great friends!

Kerstin and Jan
Kerstin and Jan

 And last but not least, backer Nadine attended LuxCon wearing her Quodd Heroes Cosplay (AMAZING!). Here's is a photo of her cosplay from Speil in case you didn't see it already as well as a detail shot from it that I didn't previously:

Nadine at Essen
Nadine at Essen
Stuffed Heroes!
Stuffed Heroes!

 Thanks for reading,

There will be a number of updates coming over the next several weeks so stay tunes as we finally get this party REALLY started!



Scenario Book
about 6 years ago – Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 12:31:51 AM

Greetings Heroes!

It has been a while since the last update but I have a major piece of the puzzle to share with you guys today: The Scenario book!

A few notes about the scenario book: This is v1.0, which means it still have a number of obvious mistakes and text erros but functionally its basically a complete document. A few scenarios that I had planned have been trimmed off including reducing the solo/co-op campaign from 10 to 9 scenarios. In the end I think this makes it a tighter experience. Remember that there will be a few additional scenarios with the Fringe Underground Map Pack which I will share soon.  Here is the link to the scenario book:

Scenario Book 1.0
Scenario Book 1.0

Production Update:

Production will officially begin very soon. Panda was to have sent me the final quote weeks ago but for any number of reason that hasn't happened yet.  Once it does, and I forward payment things (plastics first) will finally start moving forward! Needless to say I am very excited for that process to begin.

In the meantime here is what's left on the pre-production front for the printed materials:

  • Final updates and Edits to the rulebook
  • Final edits to Scenario book
  • Fringe Underground Booklet
  • French and German translation of final english books and cards
Please have a look at the scenario book and post your edits on the PDF itself and comments and questions about the scenarios either here on the comments to this update or the main comments thread on Kickstarter.

Cheers, and thank you for your continued patience!
